
Monday, 26 March 2012

Cacti and Agave;

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous

All cacti were grown from seed more then 30 years ago.

Garden as though you will live forever. 
William Kent 

A garden must combine the poetic and the mysterious with a feeling of serenity and joy. 
Luis Barragan 

Salut the sun, the stars and the moon;

Now seeds are just dimes to the man in the store
And the dimes are the things that he needs,
And I've been to buy them in seasons before
But have thought of them merely as seeds;
But it flashed through my mind as I took them this time,
"You purchased a miracle here for a dime."
-   Edgar A. Guest, A Package of Seeds

Fierce but beautiful, Golden Barrel

I better start to sing to my plants.

I have a garden, and I'm passionately interested in it.

A high grown style asks for respect


A beautiful monster;
Agave americana variegated

Agave angustifolia

Agave desmettiana;

Agave potatorum

Yucca filamentosa variegata;

This one has to be watched, it increases at a rapid pace, I do not dare taking it out of its pot.
It also has very sharp needles, keep it away from kids and animals.

This agave is a slow grower, received it from my daughter as big as a thumb; Now it is 2 years old, perhaps from now on it will grow faster. It is not invasive and its spines are not as sharp. Its flower is at least 2 m high and yellow.

Believe it or  not:Gardening: A leisure-time activity involving lots of time and little leisure;

Titania ©
Photos Titania


  1. Titania, I must show my husband these photos. He has quite a collection of cacti and succulents. These are beauties!

  2. Cacti and Agave: both so interesting, Titania. A really beautiful post with a sequence of fine pictures, explanations and quotes. Some kinds of Agave are familiar to me.
    Have a pleasant Tuesday!

  3. Carla, thank you, I have only a very small collection, because my climate is not really well suited to them. I admire them greatly. Has your husband also a blog about his collection? Best wishes to you both T♥

  4. Love your cacti collection:) Isn't it interesting how it takes forever for a cactus to grow? Nice work from a seed! Cacti are some of my favorite plants in my collection....just don't like the stabbing pains when I try to transplant. What is the cactus in the 3rd picture called? It's absolutely stunning. I haven't seen that one here. The pincushion is a great plant and is blooming right now. Beautiful flowers!

    1. Rohrerbot, thank you for your comment. Yes, you are right, some take a long time to grow! Unfortunately I have no name for this one. Perhaps I could send you a couple of offshoots? If it is possible to send to your place, because sometimes it is not allowed to send plants to other countries, like per example to Australia, or they have to go into quarantine and this procedure is very expensive.

    2. I am sooo sorry for not getting back to you sooner. My water heater leaked A LOT of water on the floor yesterday and the person is coming today to replace our older model. What a mess!!! I have never seen this cactus before and I am a collector of various cacti around our home. It looks similiar to a Cholla and maybe it's in the same family? Thank you for your offer of the seeds. Unfortuneatly, and this is a sad...or maybe it's good for our world, but the seeds would be confiscated via mail. My best friend is a botanist in New Zealand and she has to get permits from this part of the world....and the same went for me when coming back from South America:( On Monday, I tried looking this beauty up online and I am going to continue. We have a cacti garden that specializes in tropical cacti and "exotics". Again thank you for your wonderful offer. Hope all is well.

  5. A beautiful succulent garden. So many varieties and all lovingly cared for. The quotes were very good too.
    Here's my quote: "Gardening calms the mind and breaks the back".

  6. Beautiful succulents! That cactus grown from seed is the loveliest haha... Also Titania I like how you captured the spines hehe... they are really looking fierce!

  7. These are just lovely, Titania. The close-up of the cactus third down reminds me of ice crystals, and the wonderful geometrical form of the spines is amazing.

  8. Liebe Titania

    All deine Kakteen hätten meinem Vater sehr gut gefallen, er war auch so ein Kakteenzüchter, und hatte wunderbar blühende Exemplare. Da hättet ihr zusammen fachsimpeln können *lach* Na ja, er ist schon lange irgendwo in den Himmelsgärten zu Hause. Salut the sun, the stars and the moon: Ja das mache ich fast täglich-:)))
    Ich wünsche dir angenehme Ostertage und fröhliches Eiertütschen.
    Liebe Grüsse

  9. Liebe Elfe, danke dir vielmals für deine Worte und wünsche dir frohe Ostertage. T♥

  10. There are no yuccas, cacti in me collection, only a couple of agaves and few succulents. Yet I believe there is
    no better focal points. I like them all except some varieties with curved, crooked leaves, violating their unique perfect shape.

    Nice post...!
