
Sunday, 6 May 2012

Euphorbia milii; Sonoma;

Some are grown in pots, but they do just as well outside in the garden soil.

I like the big blooms of this Sonoma hybrid.

This creamy one has been in this pot for more then 20 years.

Live in the sunshine...swim in the sea...drink the wild air...Emerson

This one was my first  called Sonoma, a long time sitting in this pot. Lichen have been attracted to its prickly stems. I have made many cuttings which  no freely grow and flower somewhere in the garden.

Words have wings, so speak good things.

Pretty pink Euphorbia lophogona with broad leathery leaves, seeds freely but is not invasive.

When you fish for love bait with your heart.  Mark Twain

Euphorbia milii catalogue;

Titania's Pellucidity; Book of Hours;

Believe it or not:

Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.



  1. What a brilliant collection! I just love them all. Such pretty colours. I can't believe that the creamy one has been growing in the same pot for 20 years! Obviously it's completely happy in its home.

    1. Bernie; thank you for your visit. Yes, it sits in its pot since then, if I remember, I give it a little slow release from time to time.

  2. Un incanto!!!
    Ciao e buona domenica.

  3. Welch' schöne Exemplare an Euphorbias du hast, liebe Trudi. Ich habe vorhin gerade gegoogelt und gesehen, dass es über 2000 Arten davon gibt. In meinem Garten stehen nur ein paar der "Wolfsmilch-Gewächse", die ja auch in die grosse Familie der Euphorbien gehören. Hast du die 20 jährige Topfschönheit denn mehrmals umgetopft, oder sind die sukkulenten Arten so genügsam?
    En guete Wuuchestart und ganz vieli liebi Grüess,

    1. Liebe Barbara, danke dir vielmals für deinen Besuch, freut mich immer riesig! Diese Pflanze wurde nie umgetopft, ich gebe ihr manchmal ein bisschen "slow release" fertilizer! Sie scheint damit zufrieden zu sein. Dir auch eine schoene Woche; and take it easy! Liebi Grüess T♥

  4. Titania, what a lovely collection. I've enjoyed all the wonderful pictures!

  5. Your photos are quite beautiful!

  6. Liebe Titania

    Es ist mir immer wieder eine Freude in deinem Garten Pflanzen zu sehen, die hier nur in der warmen Stube oder höchstens im Hochsommer draussen gedeihen. Du solltest ein Gartenbuch schreiben mit deinem vielseitigen Wissen und den dazugehörigen Bildern!
    Liebe Grüsse in deinen Tag

    1. Liebe Elfe, ich danke dir sehr, gibst du mir da eine Idee? Alles Gute und sonnige Tage. T♥

  7. Your euphorbia are amazing. I've never grown them but seeing your range of blooms tempts me to give them a go. It looks like they are mostly in full sun. Is that right?

  8. Missy; they are so easy to grow, flower most of the year, I also bought some special ones at the Botanical Garden in Brisbane. Huge leaves, thick stem just one, fantastic red flowers. I actually forgot to post a picture. You can grow them in full sun or half and half. They grow well from cuttings or they also seed but not invasive!

  9. These are just lovely, Titania. I saw many euphorbias on my recent trip. They were defintiely one of the favourite choices for pot plants in Indonesia. I especially love those with the 'marbled' petals like your last photo.
