
Thursday, 25 June 2015

Ode to a cabbage;

The Kitchen garden;

I, the best ever cook, with a degree in coleslaw making, my secret with a dash of this and a pinch of that, a drop or two of a sun kissed lemon, a few snips of the greenest chives, the best olive oil ever produced, triple virgin… knife in hand went up to the kitchen garden. There in all its cabbage glory, filled to the brim with chlorophyll. Leaves crisp, folded sweetly into each other holding tight, the last of the last; nearly a crime to cut it, stands, ready, waiting.  No, not yet, tomorrow will be the day.
Tomorrow was to late, the last of the last was last, sunken in itself, shredded leaves, half eaten, its glory gone for ever not as supposed in the best ever coleslaw way, but roughly devoured by some other creature, without the blessings of  garlic chives, sweet balsamic, and the touch of a spoonful of   Dijonaise. Sigh…

soups...glorious soups, cooking is fun.

©Photos mygarden/Text Ts/ Lavender & Vanilla


  1. I read with a sympathetic smile. It's so disappointing when you watch something grow then it gets attacked just as you want to harvest. Your kitchen garden looks wonderfully productive though.

    1. Missy; thank you for visiting. At the moment its lots of tomatoes. I have a Thermomix and in this contraption sauces never fail; quick and easy. Otherwise I would stand for hours at the stove, stirring and watching. with the thermie its just a bit of preparation, time, heating and speed, all automatic.

  2. Mmm so eine Gemüsesuppe ist etwas wirklich Feines! Ja, ja da gibt es auch tierische Feinschmecker, die gerne Gemüse essen, hier bei uns nur Schnecken und in Waldnähe vielleicht noch Hasen. Ihr habt da schon mehr kleiner oder grössere Gartenräuber-:)
    Liebe Grüsse nach Australien

    1. Ciao Elfe, so schoen von dir zu hoeren. Im Garten gibt's immer Ueberraschungen. Hoffe alles ist gut im schoenen Zuerich, und die Sonne scheint. Hier regnet es im Moment, tut dem garten gut. Soweit ein sehr milder Winter, nicht wie letzten wo ich am Morgen sogar ein Muetzchen brauchte weil meine Ohren so kalt waren. Alles Gute T.

    2. Ja, jetzt kommt der Sommer, nächste Woche soll es bis zu 30 Grad warm werden oder sogar darüber - oh schreck!!! mir ist es dann zu heiss!
      Grüessli us Züri

  3. Soup is definitely a good alternative. Shame about the coleslaw though!

  4. That is one fabulous kitchen garden. I've given up on mine and just sticking to herbs and flowers. Surely you grow more than you eat. What do you do with left overs?

    1. diane, surplus goes to the children, neighbours and also the chickens. I do not buy many vegetables. I cook what the seasons provide, unless I fancy something to cook the garden does not provide. I buy frozen brussel sprouts and frozen peas.
