
Thursday, 9 April 2015

Cosmos a beloved flower;

I don’t know what attracts me so much to this radiant pink gem,  is it  its golden yellow heart that winks and beckons when I visit the garden? Or is it the smooth petals arranged in a perfect circle, turning this and that way in a rush of pink silk.  Her greeting is intense and vies for attention and this must be enough for  adoration. Ts

Cosmos  is loved for its beauty and it fragrance.  It is originated from Mexico. Cosmos is a  herbaceous, perennial flowering plant. A variety of colors, white, pink, orange, yellow, and scarlet are available. The flowers can be  single or double-coloured. Its leaves are pinnate or bi-pinnate. In my garden cosmos grows from 50cm to 1.00 meters tall.
In Greek,  cosmos means  universe, orderly, beautiful, and ornamental. It has been considered as the flower of love for its fragrance and  vibrant looks.

Here in the subtropics Cosmos flowers all summer long if it’s spend flowers are deadheaded. Some  should be let to seed for next summer’s flowers.

Growing Cosmos flowers
Sow the cosmos seeds in early spring.
Spread the cosmos seeds over freshly turned bare soil.
Press the seed into the dirt, and do not cover the seed.
Cosmos seeds germinate quickly.
Most of the Cosmos varieties are annuals.
Cosmos flower plants are drought tolerant but water Cosmos plants during long dry spells.

Garden fairies come at dawn. Bless the flowers then they're gone.

Old florists never die, they just make other arrangements.

Tis my faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes. (William Wordsworth)

Believe it or not:
follow the link below and you can reach Cosmos Heaven.

© Photos and some text Ts Lavender & Vanilla.


  1. They are a plain but beautiful flower. I must plant some next spring...remind me.

  2. diane b, they also lend themselves to water colour. I will remind you!

  3. Kosmen gehören (wie Wicken) zu meinen Lieblingssommerblüher die ich selbst ziehe. Allerdings ziehe ich im Moment die ganz weissen und gefüllten Sorten Sorten vor. Es sind für mich wie Schmetterlinge, wenn sie leise im Wind über dem Gartenbeet "schweben".
    Wünsche dir wunderschöne Herbsttage und schicke liebe Grüsse in deine Richtung,
