
Sunday, 18 May 2014

Garden bounty in May.

Fruit, vegetables, flowers and so much more;

Bee hotel for solitary bees, 5* and still vacancies. Come spring again it will be a busy hotel. 

Mandarins, best from your own tree.

Lovely Pumpkin flowers;

Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.

Pumpkins hidden under the leaves;

Vegetables from the garden;

Healthy looking Papaya trees growing along the fence line.

I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know.

The cool season and Poinsettia  belong together. Pruned neatly and  waiting over summer for the season to show of  their brilliant colours.

Abutilon always a winner. Summer and winter.

Flower buds of Paperbark; some are already open and I can hear the buzz of insects looking for nectar and pollen.

A free life cannot acquire many possessions, because this is not easy to do without servility to mobs or monarchs.

Golden Penda, buds and open flowers.

Riches do not exhilarate us so much with their possession as they torment us with their loss.

Fruit and vegetables from the garden, Rollinia, Lemons, Mandarins, Pitaya and Aubergines.

Hawaiian passion fruit,  sweet and delicious, true Ambrosia! 

Aloe for cool season cheer.

We do not so much need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help in need.

Stage appearance for Drama Girl, Camellia japonica.

The wild garden, soft and quiet with patterns of sun and shade;

Always forget the always present and liked Mexican heather, a true staple in pink and mauve shade and also pretty in white. Love it!

Pyrethrum flowers; ( I can hear the birds, they are very agitated and alert, there must be still a Python around or perhaps a Pheasant, both give rise to a lot of noise within the birds.)

I am never quite sure with this one, it could be, it looks like a Salvia.  It is an absolutely beautiful plant.

Believe it or not:
Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. -

©Photos my garden/ some Text Ts

Subtropical Garden; Vegetables; Orchard; Cottage and Wild Garden growing native and exotic plants,  Currumbin Valley,  Queensland, Australia


  1. Trudi, I kept scrolling up and down enjoying the bounty and beauty of your garden. Love the 5* bee hotel, the blooms and your fresh produce. The white Mexican Heather is pretty. I haven't seen them here though the mauve one is common and attracts a lot of winged creatures.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. Just wonderful. I wish I could grow stuff like you.

  3. Hello Titania! How are you? That's a lovely buy hotel you made. It looks robust and good workmanship :-) I tried making a small one once but failed :-( Btw does camellia go with the cool season as well? And your aloe blooms are amazing!!

  4. So ein schönes Insektenhotel liebe Trudi! Hast du dieses selbst gemacht? Du zeigst wiederum Früchte, von welchen ich noch nie gehört habe wie z.B. Rollinia. Wie diese wohl schmeckt? Wir haben im Moment sehr heisse Tage, es waren die heissesten Pfingsten seit Aufzeichnung (35°C). Ich geniesse diese Sommertage. Deine Kamelien blühen jetzt in eurer kühlen JAhreszeit (welche Temperaturen habt ihr denn jetzt?) . Wie reich und vielfältig doch eure Vegetation ist.....ich staune immer wieder was alles in deinem Paradies wächst. Apropos browniepoints.....da gäbe ich die höchste Anzahl für deinen Garten :-) ! Und natürlich hat der Enkel auch Quilts von mir genäht bekommen (es ist ein wunderbares Geschenk dieses kleine Menschlein so oft sehen zu dürfen!).
    Herzliche Grüsse von Kontinent zu Kontinent, Barbara
