
Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Subtropical winter colours...

Rose and blue; playing games... good morning;

Red  from the brilliant berries of Ardisia.

Coral ardisia (Ardisia crenata), a native of Japan and northern India, is a member of the Myrsinaceae family. Plants grow anywhere from 2 to 6 feet tall, usually in multi-stemmed clumps, and are hardy in Zones 8-10. Plants bear large (to 8.3 inches), glossy, evergreen leaves that are attractively serrated. In spring inconspicuous white to pinkish flowers bloom in axillary clusters that are largely hidden by the foliage. Showy berries follow the flowers, starting out green and gradually turning bright red. The berries hang on throughout the winter or until they are eaten by birds or small mammals.
Ardisia  can be invasive, as it seeds easily.
It might be a declared weed in Australia.

Pink and skyblue flowers of Bromeliad Aechmea Apocalyptica.

People don’t notice whether its winter or summer when they are happy.
 Anton Chekhov

faded....time for mending

Orange for mandarins; the trees are full;

Wonder and mystery are obliged to knowledge. ©Titania

Blush Pink, Hibiscus; winter cold colours the Hawaiian white elephant ear a blush pink.

Red and Blue Nidularium, Bromeliad

Sprigged Red and white, Cherie returns to life in winter;

You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Rose, Petunia, many pots are planted  with annuals for winter cheer;

Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile
Love's Labor's Lost Act 1. scene 1, William Shakespeare

Red and Purple flowers of a Bromeliad, Neoregelia

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
Rachel Carson

Looking up to an ever changing sky...

Red  Scots bonnets, these make a tasty chili jam. The first I tried were so hot I did not want to use them.
Now I find them very agreeable for chili Jam. I do not use them fresh!!
They grow well on small bushes and are very prolific. 
For my chili jam I use the whole chilis just cut in two. I cook them in vinegar and sugar until soft, blend them and cook again in enough vinegar and sugar and  a little  salt to give an agreeable taste of hot and sweet , until syrupy. Fill in glasses and keep in the fridge. I sometimes mix  chili  jam and organic tomato sauce, like ketchup to use with certain dishes.

The Scotch bonnet (Capsicum chinense) is a variety of chile, similar to, and of the same species as the habanero. The shape is slightly different from the habanero and the Habanero when ripe is orange while the Scotch bonnet when ripe is red. The Scotch Bonnet grows mainly in the Caribbean islands while the habanero grows mainly in Latin and North America. They are both quite hot (wear gloves when processing them) but have distinct and different flavors. Once you get over the initial blistering heat, the intense citrus-like flavor will win you over. Words such as hellish, blistering, and incendiary are used to describe the heat.  
The Scotch bonnet has a shape that is similar to that of an old-fashioned Scottish bonnet. Most Scotch bonnets have a heat rating of 150,000–325,000 Scoville Units. They are supposedly not as hot as a habanero pepper but when you try a Scotch bonnet, you will feel the same type of fire as eating a habanero pepper. Scotch bonnets are used in many different sauces worldwide. They are also known to cause dizziness, numbness of hands and cheeks as well as severe heartburn, if eaten raw. After preparing chilis it is very important to avoid contact with the eyes or any sensitive skin - even washing the hands may not be enough to remove the capsaicin that gives it its hot taste.

Mauve, perennial Salvia; now available in punnets in many different, even varigated colours, easy to grow from cuttings for borders as they grow about 30 - 40 cm high.

Dark Pink, Bromeliad Aechmea recurvata var benrathii - a stunning mini bromeliad with a  beautiful colour change.

The road from earth to the stars is not easy.

  Tree Art;

Blue and Silver,

Winter sunlight provides a mellow, watercolour look; challenging  above all a brilliant sky blue hugging the land…©Titania

Believe it or not:

A garden speaks the language of all poeple,  no matter to faith, nationality or age, a garden holds all the answers to life.

©Titania   Poetic Takeaway's; a trivial world of words.



  1. So much beauty! I especially love that mauve salvia and your deep pink Aechmea.

  2. Love your bromeliads! They are really attention grabbing and come in many different brilliant colours. I am sure everyone who grows them would love them a lot :-D

    1. Thank you Stephanie; Yes, I love the Bromeliads, for my big garden they are perfect. Are you growing any?

  3. It is hard to pick...I would choose those hot chiles or aji pronounced ahi. Excellent post.

    1. antigonum cajan, good of you to visit the garden down under. Thanks for the new word "aji".

  4. Your winter colours and quotes are great. You have given me inspiration to get into my garden when I get back home.

  5. Diane, you have been very busy.Sunny winter days, mind you it is raining again, are good to be in the garden. Thank you for visiting.

  6. Liebe Titania

    Einfach wieder fantastisch ist es durch deinen Garten zu spazieren. Chili Konfitüre, das würde ich gerne mal probieren,schmeckt bestimmt ganz besonders:) Der Baum zeigt ein richtiges Gesicht, wir würden wahrscheinlich viel erfahren, wenn wir ihn sprechen und seine Worte verstehen könnten.

    Ja so ein Garten gibt viele weise Antworten, Geduld, Liebe und auch Wissen braucht es um die Früchte zu ernten, die wir gerne möchten.
    Liebe Grüsse in deinen Sonntagabend

  7. Liebe Elfe; danke dir vielmals für deine einfühlende Worte. Hoffe du hast einen wunderbaren Sommer mit Schwimmen und Sonnen baden! ♥lichst T.
