
Monday, 27 February 2012

Yellow Ribbon;


A member of the mint (Lamiaceae) family, this genus of around 60 species of shrubby, sometimes succulent perennials comes from the tropics of Africa and Asia. They are a treat in the garden, as they are so easily propagated from cuttings.This yellow one shines and stands out between other green leafed plants. 

Yellow  — Common connotations —

sunshine, warmth, fun, happiness,, summer, hope, optimism, imagination, curiosity,

Salvia madrensis

Salvia madrensis is a native to the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range in Mexico.

Salvia madrensis spends the first part of the growing season putting out 1.2m to 2.00 m  stems that are thick  and square, with ridges on each corner. The rough, heart-shaped  leaves are widely spaced on the stem, graduating in size from large at the bottom to smaller at the top, giving a lush covering to the plant. Numerous 30 cm inflorescences are covered with softly colored butter-yellow flowers held in whorls. The calyces are aromatic and covered with sticky glands. 

Lemon tree

Lemons are part of my cooking, I could not imagine not having a lemon tree in my garden.  This one bears continuously ripe lemons, flowers and unripe lemons in different stages. 

Yellow is the color evoked by light that stimulates both the L and M (long and medium wavelength) cone cells of the retina about equally, with no significant stimulation of the S (short-wavelength) cone cells.

Tecoma capensis, this soft yellow suits well into the garden between other shrubs.

Schefflera, Jacky, yellow variegated; here in my garden it grows in close company with a Clarence river Baeckia; complimenting each other in their difference.

Carotenoids are organic pigments that give color to many biological objects, including egg yolks, autumn leaves, and yellow flowers.
Yellow pan traps are used to capture insects, many of which are attracted to shades of yellow.

A golden yellow  Daylily seedling grown on its own volition , named by me " Goldie".

"Tie A Yellow Ribbon 'Round The Ole Oak Tree"

Yellow Bougainvillea Bambino"Siggi"

Around her hair she wore a yellow ribbon
She wore it in the springtime
In the merry month of May
And if you ask her why the heck she wore it
She wore it for her soldier who was far far away

Hibiscus Celia;  this on was always one of my favourites.  It is easy to propagate from cuttings.

'Round her neck she wears a yeller ribbon,
She wears it in winter and the summer so they say,
If you ask her "Why the decoration?"
She'll say "It's fur my lover who is fur, fur away.

Kalanchoe yellow; a winter flowering plant; easy to grow and easy to propagate from cuttings. 

The word "yellow" comes from the Old English geolu, or geolwe which derived from the Proto-Germanic word gelwaz. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the oldest known use of this word in English is from The Epinal Glossary in the year 700.
Yellow is associated with the word "caution" and is the second light on stop lights. The color is associated with aging as well, for both people and objects (e.g. "yellowed" paper). 
"Yellow" ("giallo"), in Italy, refers to crime stories, both fictional and real. This association began in about 1930, when the first series of crime novels published in Italy had yellow covers.
The term "yellow movie" can refer to films of pornographic nature in Chinese culture, and is analogous to the English "blue movie". Lastly, it is associated with sensational journalistic practices, or yellow journalism, and resistance to militant trade unions

The beautiful Lycoris is flowering now;

They are bulb-producing perennial plants.
Lycoris are extensively cultivated as ornamental plants in Japan and China, and also in other warm temperate regions of the world. In Japan, they are widely used at the edges of rice paddy fields to provide a strip of bright flowers in the summer, and over 230 cultivars have been selected for garden use. They are locally naturalised in the southeastern United States, where they are often called hurricane flowers. Chinese people often use them as decorations in festivals or celebrations.  ( courtesy Wikipedia)

Believe it or not;

The trees that are slow to grow bear the most fruit.


  1. Good day liebe Titania

    Das ist wieder ein schöner Post aus deinem Garten, er steigert geradezu meine Vorfreude auf den Frühling, der hier so langsam an die Türe klopft. Aber von einem Zitronenbaum können wir hier selbst im Sommer nur träumen. Ein paar Spritzer Zitronensaft über Gemüse mag ich auch sehr gerne und meist mache ich die Salatsauce mit Zitronensaft.

    Die gelbe Lilie ist ein Traum! Gelb hatte in meiner Kindheit noch die Bedeutung von „verrückt“, man sagte dann, diesen oder jenen wird bald das gelbe Wägeli holen, wenigstens im Schaffhausischen, ob man das auch in Zürich so sagte, weiss ich nicht. Heutzutage habe ich den Ausdruck nicht mehr gehört.

    Das ist ein schönes Bild von dir, dass du neu eingestellt hast, da bringst du diese „grace“ von der du im Kommentar in meinem Blog gesprochen hast, echt zum Ausdruck *lächel*.

    Schönen Abend und liebe Grüsse
    von Elfe

    1. Liebe Elfe; i probiars amol in schwyzerdütsch. Tanka viel mol für diis bsüechli und diini nätta woertli. du, an das gelba wägeli tuen i mi au erinnera!! Und danka für d"grace" das isch liab vu diar. Kasch du das verstoh, immer noch a bitzli bündner dialekt. Also bis bald wider T♥

  2. yellow is a happy colour for me. You have some beautiful yellow plants in your garden .That is a neat lemon tree bearing all year round. Mine has a few weeks off in summer.

    1. Hi Diane, thank you, there are some different lemons some bear once a year only.

  3. Beautiful yellow in your garden. I wish our lemon tree was like yours. Ours is laden with fruit in Winter and none in Summer.

  4. Hi Missy; Thank you, You should get one which bears mature, small, medium fruit, and flowers at the same time all year round.

  5. Those lycoris blooms are beautiful. The striking yellow colour makes the blooms even more attractive. Btw, do you grow Eucrosia bicolour? The flower shape is similar to lycoris. Btw, thanks for sharing your experience on the russelia plant in my blog. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Stephanie, thank you and you are welcome. No I have never seen the bulbs for sale here. Eucrosia look very exotic and beautiful, as you said similar to the lycoris.

  6. Your yellows are just brilliant. Unfortunately my dear husband really hates yellow in the garden, so I've restricted its presence quite a bit. I do so love your yellow Bougainvillea bracts and the Lycoris.

    1. Hi Bernie, ah that's an interesting fact; I think many gardeners are not fond of yellow in the garden. I love it and have found it lightens up certain corners.

  7. Hello Titania! Your garden is always so nice! Beautiful flowers, I like so much the lemon tree.
    Happy Tuesday!

  8. Hi Pietro, good of you to come and say hello with a nice comment.

  9. Liebe Trudi, du hast einen Post mit meiner Lieblingsfarbe gemacht :-) ! Eigenartigerweise hat es in meinem Garten gar nicht sooo viel gelb, aber ich liebe diese Farbe, nebst weiss, sehr. Sie macht tatsächlich heiter und froh. Und wenn ich jetzt hinausschaue, dann sehe ich die gelb blühende Zaubernuss und an vielen Orten gelbe Krokusse. Bald werden sich auch die Narzissen öffnen. Frühling und Herbst hat viele gelbe Farbtupfer in unserem Garten. Gelbe Kalanchoes habe ich noch nie gesehen. Hier findest du sie eher in rosa oder rot. Ein Zitronenbäumchen werde ich mir nun wohl doch mal zulegen, nachdem ich gesehen habe, dass eine Freundin jedes Jahr kleine Früchtchen ernten kann. Ich freue mich, dass die Gartensaison wieder angefangen hat und ich aus dem tiefen Winterschlaf erwacht bin :-) !!
    Sei lieb gegrüsst, Barbara

  10. Liebe Barbara, die Tür zum Frühling oeffnet sich schnell. Osterglocken, Krokus so schoen alle die Frühlingsboten wieder zu sehen. Ja, du hast recht gelb leuchtet immer hervor und ich liebe es auch. Gelb und weiss zusammen ist auch sehr schoen. Es blüht gerade eine dunnkelblaue Salvia mit riesingen Blüten zusammen mit einer weissen Penta, das sieht auch so schoen aus; Freude am Garten hält mich zusammen!
    Danke dir herzlichst für deine immer so willkommenen Worte. Ciao T♥

  11. What a gorgeous Lycoris. It must really light up your garden. Hibiscus Celia is a real stunner too.
