Here in the southern Hemisphere September heralds spring. For me so, September is tinged with autumn colours, despite its spring reputation here. September is a lovely month and not just because it is my birth month. Be it in the northern Hemisphere it is so beautiful, the landscape should be getting quieter but no it sends out its fieriest colours to send off the summer season. Here it is spring but one has to hurry not to miss it, because it goes so quickly into the summer’s heat.
06/September 2017
The first days in September have just flown past me. Beautiful Iceberg Rose has flowered all winter long but really puts up her best show now.
Not that much changes from August to September. Daisies still look like Daisies!!
A look over the fence into the dark garden where the lizards can live without being harassed by Bobby. It needs some clean up before the summer heat. September is usually the month when everything that has not been done over winter is done in a hurry.
Photos from 06/September 2017
Jeanne Ducher is the first to flower from the recent new plantings along the Rose walk of "old Roses".
The odd curled flowers of Perle d'or; planted in 2014.
Growing since many years in my garden; High up the beautiful red flowers of the native Atherton Waratah from North Queensland.
14/September 2017
Lets September show of a little of its gold. Not in its pocket but growing happily in the garden. Not flamboyant but pretty and easily looked after..
Love Nasturtium it has so many attributions. Tropaeolum, commonly known as nasturtium, is a genus of around 80 species of annual and perennial herbaceous flowering plants. It was named by Carl Linnaeus in his book Species Plantarum, and is the only genus in the family Tropaeolaceae.
These are the pretty, golden bells of Abutilon. Easy to grow easy to look after.
Nothing beats Sloggers in the garden.
Dendrobium Orchids love trees, Nomen est Omen.
Euryops pectinatus; Sonnenschein= Sunbeam, is a compact, tender, shrub, grown for its fern-like, hairy grey leaves and bright, golden yellow, daisy flowers.
Drought tolerant; suitable for xeriscape, flowering now, a good addition to any garden.
It can be grown from cuttings but does not seed and it is not invasive in my garden.
That's it for today "Friends of the Gardens. See you again, may be tomorrow or next time.
26/September 2017

The "Orchid host" tree

Growing along the rose walk , low growing, pretty and wonderfully scented old rose Irene Watts

A sea of daisies is very attractive to butterflies

Polygala needs to find a home it is waiting in a pot.

Leaves of the birdsnest fern
Green is a restful colour, associated with nature, youth, spring, and hope.
In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the colour of clothing showed the owner's social status. Green was worn by merchants, bankers and the gentry. The word green comes from the Middle English and Old English word grene, which, like the German word grün, has the same root as the words grass and grow, from a Common Germanic *gronja-, which is also reflected in Old Norse grænn, Old High German gruoni to grow.
The first recorded use of the word as a colour term dates to ca. AD 700.
Latin viridis, vert in French.
It is Orchid flowering time in the garden.
An other month nearly done, see you around friends of the gardens.
Poets love the seasons. The seasons their daily bread and butter. John Milton, sweet about spring;
O Nightingale, that on yon bloomy Spray
Warbl'st at eeve, when all the Woods are still,
Thou with fresh hope the Lovers heart dost fill,
While the jolly hours lead on propitious May,
Thy liquid notes that close the eye of Day,
September, spring, yet there are not many spring days in September, as September rushes its days into summer. Tiny frogs hidden in the smallest leaves, croak already with all their might. Their call persistent for cushion soft clouds and silvered raindrops.
©Photos/ Text Ts Lavender & Vanilla
26/September 2017
The "Orchid host" tree
Growing along the rose walk , low growing, pretty and wonderfully scented old rose Irene Watts
A sea of daisies is very attractive to butterflies
Polygala needs to find a home it is waiting in a pot.

Leaves of the birdsnest fern
Green is a restful colour, associated with nature, youth, spring, and hope.
In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the colour of clothing showed the owner's social status. Green was worn by merchants, bankers and the gentry. The word green comes from the Middle English and Old English word grene, which, like the German word grün, has the same root as the words grass and grow, from a Common Germanic *gronja-, which is also reflected in Old Norse grænn, Old High German gruoni to grow.
The first recorded use of the word as a colour term dates to ca. AD 700.
Latin viridis, vert in French.
It is Orchid flowering time in the garden.
An other month nearly done, see you around friends of the gardens.
Poets love the seasons. The seasons their daily bread and butter. John Milton, sweet about spring;
O Nightingale, that on yon bloomy Spray
Warbl'st at eeve, when all the Woods are still,
Thou with fresh hope the Lovers heart dost fill,
While the jolly hours lead on propitious May,
Thy liquid notes that close the eye of Day,
The last days in September, despite the dry spell, have produced Roses and Geraniums. Have let the morning sun play on Bromeliads waiting patiently for rainy days. Have let bloom the first day-lily seedling "Fabi" for this spring/summer.
Old Rose Amelia Anderson.
a pillar Tea Rose. Lightly scented, creamy – mauve to pink. Classic buds open to very full blooms with a muddled peony like centre. Recurrent. 2.5m x 1.2m.
St.Francis Xavier.
Interesting modern rose using 2 old Tea roses. Low and compact with fully double, flowers.
Bromeliad,it will grow quite big leaves up to 1 m long with beautiful large sprays of flowers.
September, spring, yet there are not many spring days in September, as September rushes its days into summer. Tiny frogs hidden in the smallest leaves, croak already with all their might. Their call persistent for cushion soft clouds and silvered raindrops.
This was September 2017 a glimpse of the garden.